Laravel Pro Tips
#routes #models #404
π₯ Laravel tip: Customizing Missing Model Behavior in route model bindings By default, Laravel throws a 404 error when it can't bind the model, but you can change that behavior by passing a closure to the missing method.
Cosme Escobedo
#exceptions #404 #logging
Quick @laravelphp tip: Trying to figure out what is causing an error that isn't in your logs (e.g. a 404)? Temporarily override the `$internalDontReport` array in your exception handler to allow any exceptions to be reported. Run the request again and check your laravel.log
Gilbert Pellegrom π
#routes #404
π₯ Quick #Laravel Tip - You can build a new Route for not-found routes at the end of your Routes file if you want to define additional logic for not-found routes instead of just throwing the regular 404 page.
Marian Pop πΊπ¦ Laravel Magazine
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