Recent Articles


Improve Passing Booleans in PHP

Passing booleans to a method can be code smell, as it is not clear what a boolean does by reading the calling code.

#validation #arrays

Validating arrays and nested values in Laravel

Validating arrays and nested values allows you to more effectively deal with data transmitted from your frontend.

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#ecosystem #packages

The Laravel Ecosystem

Hopefully, if you're new to Laravel, this will give you a brief understanding of the first-party ecosystem so that you can decide when to use one package over another.

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#testing #events #listeners

Structuring & testing your Laravel Events & Listeners

In this article, we explore one simple yet powerful and scalable approach to setting up and testing your events and listeners.

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How to use Laravel WebSockets

In this guide, we will walk you through how to use Laravel WebSockets. We will be using the Laravel WebSockets package which is a great replacement for Pusher.

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#database #json

Using SingleStore as a JSON Document Database

Continuing our series on the multi-model capabilities of SingleStoreDB, we'll discuss SingleStoreDB's support for JSON data in this article.

#semantic #html

Using Semantic Elements to Improve Your HTML

Making sure that your website is easy for search engines to crawl and understand is hugely important. It's also equally important to make sure that your website is well structured to make it more accessible for your readers.

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Setting up Laravel with Inertia.js + Vue.js + Tailwind CSS

A quick guide on setting up the VILT stack for your next application.

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