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#eloquent #sql

Clear orderBy in Laravel's Eloquent Builder

If you've tried to use orderBy on a previously ordered query in Laravel, you'll probably find it doesn't work. There's a great reason for that, which we'll explain at the end of the post.

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#testing #environments

Testing Laravel Environment Checks

Ever wondered how to go about testing environment checks in your Laravel application? This post is for you!

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#error #debugging

Ignition, the most beautiful error page for Laravel and PHP, got a major redesign

I'm proud to share that our team has released a new major version of Ignition, the most beautiful error page for Laravel and PHP.

#pagination #joins

Efficient Pagination Using Deferred Joins

A slight modification to traditional offset/limit pagination that can drastically boost performance.

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How to create a simple event streaming in Laravel?

Event streams provide you with a way to send events to the client without having to reload the page. This is useful for things like updating the user interface in real-time when changes are made to the database.

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#inertia #ssr

Using Ziggy with Inertia Server-Side Rendering

Using Tighten's Ziggy Library with Inertia's Server Side Rendering

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#dependency #override

Overriding vendor classes

Ever found yourself wanting to make a small tweak to a PHP file in a Composer dependency? Here's how to do it without forking the entire package.

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#GCP #google #deployments

Beginner’s Guide to Deploying PHP Laravel on the Google Cloud Platform: Part 2 By Bilal Haidar

Bilal continues his series on the PHP Laravel framework by connecting the app to a local MySQL database, involving the Google Cloud SQL service, and the...

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